I'll be pretty stoked to be done with these papers. To be honest I wouldn't mind if the semester went for many more months. I really enjoy learning and having not done real school since basically 2004 I just can't get enough. But with these papers looming over my head I'm dropping the ball on a lot of things and not being my normal self. I feel like Frodo when he has the weight of the ring (hopefully I'll be able to cast it into Mount Doom and I won't try and keep it for myself.)
I don't know what it is, but I feel like I'm not being myself. I don't seem to be as optimistic as I used to be. I don't think my presence makes people laugh like it did back in the day. I wonder what that's all about.
I just wrote a butt-load of stuff and decided it was lame and didn't make sense so I erased it. Lame... I'm getting all nostalgic so I'm gonna end this one. Latez!
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