Thursday, March 25, 2010


Welp, I just finished my Pearl of Great Price paper, which has been the cause of a ridiculous amount of stress (I haven't written a decent paper ever in my life, and the crappy ones were about 5 years ago). Now I just have to write a rough draft for my English Research Paper and then basically life is all sunny and awesome till forever.

I'll be pretty stoked to be done with these papers. To be honest I wouldn't mind if the semester went for many more months. I really enjoy learning and having not done real school since basically 2004 I just can't get enough. But with these papers looming over my head I'm dropping the ball on a lot of things and not being my normal self. I feel like Frodo when he has the weight of the ring (hopefully I'll be able to cast it into Mount Doom and I won't try and keep it for myself.)

I don't know what it is, but I feel like I'm not being myself. I don't seem to be as optimistic as I used to be. I don't think my presence makes people laugh like it did back in the day. I wonder what that's all about.

I just wrote a butt-load of stuff and decided it was lame and didn't make sense so I erased it. Lame... I'm getting all nostalgic so I'm gonna end this one. Latez!

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