Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ordered Chaos I'm trying to survive my Accounting video so I figure I'll let me peeps take a look into my crazy that is my mind.

So the things that have been on my mind lately (besides Senor Chang quotes) is about how to bring order out of chaos in my life. That makes my life sound like a mess so let me explain what I mean. Life in Hawaii is awesome and fun and fantastic, but Hawaii has this magical superpower where time is totally messed up. Thus, for a person like me that likes to procrastinate and not make goals you kinda start floating around trying to accomplish what you can, but never fully reaching your potential because you're doing just that... floating around. So the other day I finally did what I'd been wanting to do for a long time (turns out having a goal to set goals never really happens just like the rest of your goals). I set goals in the major sections of my life right now such as 1) spiritual 2) financial 3) exercise and 4) Chinese. If you were my dad you'd be asking where my dating goal is, but that one's still in the making. But basically what I'm saying that as I've set some goals in my life I feel like I'm no longer floating around, but that I've got my feet on the ground. I've got a purpose. It feels awesome. It's reminded me about a lot of things that I knew before, but just chose to ignore. Essentially, to sum up what I'm feeling I'd have to say, "Boo-yah!"


  1. I am soooo proud of you!! Goal setting is the best - I hate that 'floating around' feeling. I think the reason it sucks so bad is because you can never stationary float, you know what I mean? For me anyways, it's always going backwards when I think I'm standing still. So...good for you for going forward! I believe in you ;)

  2. ...and now that you've shared your goals with us we can keep you accountable. As far as the dating thing goes, how do you feel about red heads?

  3. all i know about red heads is what my told taught me, "red on the head..."
